Car accident help

Chef Cara • Currently cook for a fine dining restaurant in Traverse City. Single, 29, chef, would love to be a mom someday.

So Dec 6th I was in my very first car accident that was not my fault. A guy was going too fast on the oncoming traffic during a snow storm and lost control. I was heading home from work and there's a very sharp curve in front of my apartment complex that I was coming up and he was coming around at the same time. It was icy and on any given day the speed limit is 15mph and when it's snowing and icy you need to go half of that. Anyway, the guy lost control went sideways and was sliding at a fast rate and crossed over and hit me on the driver's side.

Officer came and did all of the talking because I could barely open my door because most of it was smashed in. Anyway, officer said guy explained exactly what happened and he was at fault. Gave me a card with the claim ID number and the link to check out the crash report for the insurance company. So a couple days later I got my rental car and was waiting for my insurance company to find a company to tow my vehicle downstate to assess it to see if it was fixable or a total loss. That took a couple days. My car was downstate for a bit because they were trying to find a place to take it asap so my rental doesn't run out. The place they network with was booked until March, other places in my town were booked until late January. Dec 17th I got a text from my claims person that they found a place to take my car in right away.

Fast forward to January, I called the body shop January 5th since I never heard anything from them about my car. They were waiting on parts. They only had 2 out of 11 and were hoping they would have them in later that week and start fixing it on Monday the 10th. They sent me email updates from when they started and when they were near completion. I got a call from Enterprise that I needed to pay my balance for the rental because my insurance only pays up $1200 or a month for the rental and it's been more than a month. I called my insurance company because I wasn't aware of this. She wasn't aware that the body shop just started fixing my car and she mentioned that even though they found a place on Dec 17th that it still took a few days to get my car back to my city. So idk exactly when my car arrived at the body shop but she thought they would be fixing it right away. She is trying to see if they could extend it for the week prior but not next week because it would be way past my policy limit. So they're waiting on the supervisor to approve or deny it.

January 20th, I received a call from the body shop that my car is painted but they are still waiting on a couple more parts. He was hoping they would come in the next day but couldn't guarantee. I called my insurance company again to see if they had any update on extending it because they were still waiting on parts. She was going to see what else she could do. I called Enterprise on Friday and was able to pay half my balance but needed to pay the other by Monday or turn the car in. I use my car for work literally so I can't be without a vehicle. Apparently because it's Monday, my balance went up so I paid a total of $663 of money that I really couldn't give to them but I need a car. That's my money for bills and now my account is empty until payday besides cash I have. I'm so over this rental it's really putting a dent in my finances. I'm not sure when my car will be ready because it was supposed to be the 18th, then was pushed to the 19th and as far as the 20th there's no guarantee when it will be ready.

My question is, shouldn't the guy who hit me insurance company cover my rental and any other damages? I've never been in an accident before so this is all new to me. I have a friend who is an insurance agent downstate and he said the guy's insurance should be covering it. I'm in Michigan which is a no fault state even when I went to Google to see what that means it was a little confusing. I also have Progressive for reference.