32 weeks 3 days sex life


Me and my fiancé always had a good sex life, even throughout my pregnancy…. UP UNTIL NOW 😭 lately i’ve noticed we don’t as much as we use too. he’ll just tell me lay on my side and we’ll have sex that way. but tonight it was a lil painful im noticing i don’t get as wet as i do down there, so it’s painful for him to stick it in.. but when he’s inside of me it’s wet as ever lol.. SORRY TMI !!! he tried to get on top tonight and literally felt so uncomfortable if felt like i was getting bent like a pretzel so i told him to stop and let me lay on my side again so we can finish. i just feel like he doesn’t enjoy the sex as much anymore, and i’m so big and uncomfortable i can’t enjoy it neither. And i can’t go down on him because i have a gag reflex lol. has anyone experienced this ? and also is his sperm gonna soften my cervix ?