8 Week Abdominal Ultrasound


UPDATE: I went in for an internal US - they found a baby ❤️ and baby has a heartbeat. I’m just measuring 2 weeks 5 days behind what we originally thought. That means that I got my positive test at 4 days pregnant… insane!

I had an 8 week abdominal ultrasound today. I’m supposed to be 8w 3d, but I expected to be told I wasn’t that far along (that has been the case with my 2 successful pregnancies).

They saw my uterus and a shadow of something inside. But they said my uterus was smaller than it should be for being 8 weeks. And they didn’t find a heartbeat. At least not with the abdominal ultrasound.

I know of some stories where women had this or something similar to this happen, but went back a few weeks later and saw a healthy baby, heard the heartbeat, etc.

Please tell me your stories!! I’m hopeful but heartbroken. I need some encouragement, and I want to hear your stories ❤️