Should I stop being friends with an anti vaxxer

Would really appreciate some opinions on this topic

So I have a really really good friend. She is anti vaxx. I have no problems being friends with people who have different opinions than me. I don’t care that she’s anti vaccine

But here’s the thing that’s a bit of a game changer. She believes vaccines cause autism. She is very, very vocal about it. She posts about it all the time. She even posted a video on Facebook once, it was a video of a little boy with autism. The little boy was stimming and I guess acting “very autistic” and the video basically said “are you sure you’d rather have an autistic child than a child with measles?”

Well, I have an autistic child. My daughter is 2, almost three and she was diagnosed a few months ago. My friend does not know this, as it’s not something I really am telling people yet.

So i know my daughters vaccines didn’t cause her autism. However- I did go thru a phase of “I did this”- was it something I ate? Was it the Tylenol I took? The water I drank? I know it’s none of these things, but these thoughts did cross my mind. And I don’t need a friend telling me that I caused this with vaccines- and knowing her really strong stance, I know she will blame me.

I know she’s wrong, and I shouldn’t let it get to me, but I can’t help it.

I strongly believe people who have different options can be friends- as long as some subjects are not discussed- but she is very loud and in your face about it. If she kept her opinion to herself, I wouldn’t care what she thought. But she doesn’t. Having someone come throw my daughters disabilities in my face and blaming me is not something I can handle right now

Should I end this friendship? I’ve known her my whole life.

***im not talking about the Covid vaccine btw******