Clomid - Ovitrelle - Duphaston


Dear ladies,

We have been trying to conceive from more than a year now. It has been very tough for us.

This month Jan 2022 we had an appointment with our fertility specialist (Reproductive Endocrinologist) the doctor suggested me to take

Clomid 50mg From CD3-CD7.

I had an ultrasound on CD13 the doctor confirmed that I have 2 mature follicles in my left ovary (20mm and 18.5mm)

We were said to inject Ovitrelle in the evening of CD13

We did the shot at home

Then we started taking duphaston 10mg twice a day from CD15 to CD29 (2 weeks)

There has been hell lot of breast pain, too much CM, weird pinning and stabbing pains in uterus area during these 2 weeks of duphaston but we thought it’s all great. Today is CD30 I stopped. Using duphaston and did a home pregnancy test which was negative BFN.

We informed the doctor and he gave us an appointment for tomorrow for B-HCG test.

Did anyone have used Clomid-ovitrelle-duphaston in their TTC journey and had a successful pregnancy? Kindly help us with your suggestions.

I tried reading articles online but haven’t found any patient using all 3 medications in one cycle.