Am I going to loss our little bean?

Laura • 👰🏻🤵🏻 8th Dec 2018 👶🏼 💙 31.12.19 Became Mama to Luca 👼💛 9 weeks 👶🏼 💕 Baby Girl Pending 06.09.23 Dog Mama 🐶🐶

According to my last period date I am 7 weeks and 1 day pregnant! I had a sharp shooting pain all day on my left side of my lower tummy so I phoned the doc. She got me booked in for an early scan and I had it today. But when I had the internal scan the midwife could only find a yolk sack and said she would put me at 5-6 weeks! Apart from the pain I haven’t had any bleeding or cramps! I have to go back in 2 weeks and have another scan to see if things have progressed! She said it could just be that I ovulated later than expected but we only had sex twice in December and I’m pretty certain of my dates! Because if I ovulated any later it would mean I got my first positive 7/8 days after ovulation and I didn’t think that was possible. I’m in the UK so they don’t do the HCG blood work like in the US. It’s gonna be a long 2 weeks and was just wondering had anyone experienced something similar?? Many thanks in advance x