Bicornuate vs Septate vs Arcuate uterus


I had my 12 week ultrasound on Tuesday. While there, the doctor came into the room and told me I had a bicornuate uterus. Barely said anything else, when I saw the midwife for my actual appointment she said she was waiting on the official report. That comes through today and now they’re saying septate vs arcuate uterus. Do I have a right to be frustrated that no one can agree, and all have different risks I want to be prepared for. I’ve had six ultrasounds this pregnant and none until this showed an abnormality. The midwife doesn’t even want to see me back until 16 weeks, with an anatomy scan at 22 weeks. So I’ll have to go 10 weeks with basically no care. My 8 and 12 week appointments they didn’t even touch me, didn’t ask questions just asked if I had any. All my questions were about the ultrasound which she couldn’t answer. I sent a message to the clinic but am seriously considering a second opinion no matter what they come back with.