Day 3 of latent labor 😬

Shelbi 🤱🤰❤ • Wife, mamma & crazy animal lady!

I have been in latent labor for 3 full days now. Started at 8am on Tuesday. It's now 8pm on Thursday. I was admitted Tuesday after seeing the midwife who thought I was in full blown labor because of how long I'd been having contractions and how close they were.. nope. No ma'am. 2cm dilated, thinned out, latent labor, sent me home to labor with suggestions to help me progress.

The dr suggested all this, which I've done to no avail: walking and curb walking, sex, nipple stimulation/pumping, birthing ball, miles circuit (they said she wasn't dropped enough on Tuesday) and I'm about to go eat some pineapple core which was their last suggestion. The contractions come back for 2-12 hrs at a time but then go away again. It wouldn't bother me so much if I wasn't getting such long term contractions. I can't sleep. I feel sick when I eat. My entire stomach feels bruised and sore, my lower back hurts, pelvis hurts, and I'm walking like the world's goofiest cowboy, legs all bowed because it hurts in my pelvis so badly. 🙄 water won't break, and I dread going back to L&D for a third time this week unless I am having this little lady lol. I feel dumb as hell continually getting sent home. I'm 38w 6d today so I know she isn't technically due yet but I'm physically and mentally exhausted already. I can't do this for another 8 days. 😪

My belly looks way smaller today, like she's halfway disappeared so I am hoping that means she's finally dropping further? Idk, first baby so I am clueless. If you made it this far, thanks for reading my complaining and plz send me allll the labor vibes 😅