She intervenes in everything

So my mother and I are not on good terms right now. I feel like she has a way of trying to ruin everything for me. A year ago (when I was 20) I wanted to move to Miami. I have family down there and my cousin said I could rent the spare room in her house. She said that she’d give me her car and I’d just have to take over the payments. My job agreed to relocate me and they conveniently had a location near my cousins house. Everything was going according to plan. And then my mother messes everything up. She basically says that I can’t go and that if I do, I’m disowned. Then she calls my cousin and tells her off. Tells her that I’m not going, to forget the plans we made, and to worry about her own daughter. She basically throws a temper tantrum. I decided to stay, against my better judgment, to please my mother.

Recently, I’ve been staying with my bf. I’ve basically moved out, im barely home. Even then, I still called her everyday and did her the favors she asked of me. & sometimes we’d pick her up from work or the supermarket and take her home. She’s furious about it though. Starts insulting me, says I’m less of a woman and an embarrassment. We haven’t talked for a couple of days. Every time I talk to her it’s ALWAYS negative. Today she messaged me. It was a video. In the video, a man brings his woman home to his parents house and they accept her at first. And then they start to complain that she doesn’t do anything, she doesn’t help around the house. They basically bad-mouth her. And then the parents ask for the son to find somewhere else to live with his woman. That’s what she’s saying will happen to me.

Yes I’m under they’re roof but I don’t really rely on them much. My bf pays $1,000/monthly for the room and also pays utilities. We do our own laundry. My bf sometimes cooks dinner or breakfast for everyone. If his mom doesn’t cook enough food for everyone, I buy us or myself food. My bf cleans the bathroom and I wash the dishes. My mom just raised me to believe that I’m always in everyone’s way and that I’m bothering people. She has done that so that I never leave her side. She makes me feel like I’m unwanted everywhere I go, and it’s always been like that. She literally tells me that I’m a bother and I’m in everyone’s way. Idk what her problem is. Also, this is only temporary. We are looking for our own apartment!

- I have a city job and I’m living with my bf until we move out together. Idc what her beliefs or traditions are. She has always been out of line and then wonders why I don’t want to be around her. Also, my plan didn’t have to be convincing because I was never asking for permission. I don’t have a kid. My cousin has a kid. I’ve been with my man 4 years. He was fine with me moving as he would’ve eventually joined me (in our own place).