Spotting at 32 weeks


Hello so I was currently around 31-33 weeks the doctor always changes it since she’s measuring little, around December I was admitted too the hospital 3x for bleeding but it was like a period bleeding the baby was fine but they admitted me since they couldn’t find where it was coming from. Since then it has completely stopped and now baby has been moving fine and everything looks healthy, but now everytime I wipe i have pink spotting sometimes I feel the baby super heavy I can barley move, i was diagnosed with anemia and puppps with this pregnancy but the baby has been healthy. The spotting is scaring me I do get Braxton Hicks a lot but not actual contraction (I don’t feel pain) and I do feel super tired but I’m sure that’s normal with pregnancy. Tomorrow is my baby shower but do you guys think I should wait or just go to the hospital too get checked? It’s my first pregnancy so everything scares me but am I over reacting ? I feel her moving but again the spotting does really scare me . The spotting looks like implantation bleeding. And I’ve also been having a watery discharge little bit of a yellow color