Jaw randomly swelled up

So, my jaw randomly swelled up today. It was a lot bigger than the picture- like almost baseball sized.

I was driving home, eating mango jerky, and heard a pop in my jaw that tingled for a bit.

When I got done putting groceries away I started to notice there was a lot of pressure on my ear, not painful or anything. I went to the bathroom and my face was swelled along my jaw about the size of a baseball. I talked to my mom for a few minutes then took a picture to send her to see if I should go to the ER or urgent center but then realized urgent care was closed. But then the swelling started going down. I’ve never had anything swell up that quick, and the go bad to almost normal. Any idea what could cause this?

I’ve had an abscess but it hurt. This didn’t. Should I go to urgent care tomorrow? It’s just a really really small lump behind my ear now.