My HS bully

I recently saw a post on FB about a guy who was being praised for being the best barber in the city.

This “best barber” used to bully the crap out of me in freshman year leading to my depression. He would even bully the teacher because she had Tourette’s syndrome. Going on sophomore year I had no classes with him, I joined dance & lost weight… Junior year comes and I was giving a class with him, he started to harass me and another girl.. he would grope our butts and breasts… I started to pretend I was sick in the mornings and avoid school. My depression was back….

I wish I would go back and defend myself at the time of… I just want to comment on that post and expose the person he was with me… but i won’t.

The way he was does not justify anything, I was once young and never treated people like crap. What he did to me molded who I am now… in a negative and somewhat a positive way. Seeing that post I just wish people knew him back then.