Impending doom Sunday nights

I am currently 8 years out of school, finished my doctorate degree at the end of 2013… and I still get anxiety every Sunday night. It’s this impending doom that something bad will happen tomorrow. That doom of classes starting back up on Monday and that you feel like you’re drowning in the clinical content. That feeling like you forgot about a paper, or didn’t study for an important exam. But now it’s a feeling that I forgot to do something to help keep my business afloat. That I forgot to send out an important form, or that I didn’t lock the doors Friday night. But then when I lay my head on the pillow those anxieties become theatrical and unrealistic. They turn into thoughts of someone breaking into my house. Then thoughts of zombies. Then I fear my daughters life is at risk. Ahhhhhhh 🤯

Anyone else have this spiral every Sunday night?