Would you feel optimistic by these tests at 11DPO, 13DPT?


I'm on my second cycle of letrozole/femara with ovidrel 250. Last month (unsuccessful first cycle of femara) I did some cheapies to confirm I didn't have any trigger left on 7, 8, 9, and 10DPO. But I got flustered with them so I did an FRER and had the faintest lines on 10, 11, and 12 DPO (this was the shot still in my system).

This month I used the same cheapies but had a faint but progressing line on 9, 10, and 11 DPO (nothing on 7 and 8). I took FRER on 10 and 11DPO and see the line darkening as well.

Our journey for baby#2 began Dec 2020 and had a chemical May 2021 and another October 2021 so I'm naturally a little nervous about getting excited until bloodwork - especially with the existence of SUPER faint lines on the cheapies.

I'm wondering how you guys would be feeling if you had these same results? Would you be optimistic? Initial beta is on Friday Feb 4th so I know I will be confirming if successful by Sunday but naturally a little impatient and can't stop wondering.

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