Help- I’m so confused


I need your help!!

I’ve suspected I’m pregnant since Saturday. LMP January 1st. Ovulation around Jan 14th. I had vvvfl on pregmate brand tests. I tried to confirm with clearblue easy digital on Sunday and it was negative. I re-tested clearblue easy digital on Tuesday (afternoon) had a positive result. The pregmate dye tests are still only showing vvvfl. Today (Thursday) I took another clearblue digital FMU and it was negative.

Has anyone had this happen but still had a confirmed pregnancy? I have a physical scheduled with my pcp on Feb 7th and appointment with my midwife later this month. So I’ll be able to follow up with my doctors.

My period is not particularly “regular” but was estimated to start this past Monday.

The waiting and worrying has me so frazzled.