Who will watch my toddler when I’m giving birth with my second child?


Hello! My husband and I have a 2 yr old girl and are expecting our second late Feb 2022! My twin sister is being induced Feb 14 with her first since she has fetal growth restriction so her baby may need nicu time. My mom is planning on flying up from Georgia to help her when baby comes home. I would like the help if my mom is in town just to watch my toddler for the two nights I am in the hospital but my mom and sister are pretty much refusing. Initially they said it would be fine but now they changed their minds and I don’t know why. My in laws can’t come up bc my father in law is recovering from Covid and they are a 6 hr drive away. My sister and mom think it will be too stressful with a newborn and my toddler in the house, even though my mom raised 4 kids (I am a quadruplet). I’m only asking for 2 days of help after daycare for someone to give my girl dinner/play/bedtime….