Should we try naturally or wait for fertility treatments

Hi all,

I am 39.5 years old and we are trying to concieve since 2018 for our first child. No issues so far with male fertility ( already checked). Luck has not been on our side during these times: several miscarriages and one partial molar pregnancy.

Long story short in Oct 2021 we went to a fertility clinic to start treatments for, first <a href="">Iui</a> and then <a href="">IVF</a>. Unfortunately where i live insurance does not cover <a href="">ivf</a> costs without doing 3 IUIs first.

We did several blood tests and it turned out i had hyperthyroidism. Started medication, that surprisingly worked much faster than expected on me. Then i ended up with high tsh level ( 6.3 from 0.01 over 8 weeks). Stopped medication and tsh dropped to 4.7 this week ( normal range is 0.33-4.2). According to my endocrinologist i can start the fertility treatments now, because it is expected that tsh will drop soon.

My fertility doctor wants the tsh to ideally drop to 2.5 to start treatments.

I am stucked in between doctors and am thinking to start ttc again without additional help hopping that it may happen naturally this month. We stopped trying since oct 2021 because our fertility doctor was concerned that low tsh may impact baby’s brain development.

Time is working against me and i have this feeling that every month passing by without trying is a missed opportunity. besides unstable tsh and low egg reserve no other fertility issues on my side.

What would you do?