Breastfeeding advice


I’m a first time mom & I just had my baby exactly 3 weeks ago today. I want to breastfeed so badly. My milk came in the following Saturday after I had my baby the Monday prior. I was breastfeeding in the hospital & when we got home but she would just cry and cry because she was still hungry. We decided to give her formula the night before my milk came in just because of the convenience & because she needed to eat. My milk came in the following morning and by then we had already given her formula all night long and I didn’t know switching back and forth between breastfeeding and formula was okay… long story short I lost my milk supply, but I still feel so upset and sad that I gave up so easily on breastfeeding and it’s still something I really wanna do.. what can I do to bring my supply back? I still leak every now and then and I have tried pumping but don’t really get anything maybe a half oz if that.