period / pregnancy test rant

idk where to post this but earlier this month I posted that my period was late by 3 days but that I still got it & explained how my friends told me I should take a test because you never know especially bc my period is always regular asf. and so everyone on this app that commented told me since I got my period I’m not pregnant & shouldn’t test.

But I’ve always have read/heard that some women still get their periods while pregnant so I’m confused.

For example, my mom didn’t find out about my sister until she was 7 months, She told me she had gotten her period every month and the only reason she found out she was pregnant was bc she had fainted at work.

Same thing with my aunt she didn’t know she was pregnant until giving birth & she had her period too.

I’m never the type to get sick & now my left ear has been clogged up for the past 3 days. & everything I try, it doesn’t work. So naturally I look up “early pregnancy symptoms” & yes indeed it shows up as one. (Depends on the person) Also another one I just saw was bleeding gums when brushing teeth, it’s been happening every time, these past few weeks.

These are making me want to test just to make sure I’m not pregnant or know if I am pregnant.

I don’t wanna go to the doctors and accidentally find out there if I am. I wouldn’t know how to react.

I could screenshot my original post for more info on dates & stuff if you think that could help.

I ended up posting in rant bc it’s my rant , I have no one to ask about this bc everyone believes I’m a virgin. & I’m literally the oldest outta my friend group, they won’t know either :(. But 3 of my friends do have babies so they know some but not all yk.