Advice on life after nexplanon

I've had my nexplanon in for 4 years now. I got it inserted at planned parenthood after getting a boyfriend in highschool. I couldn't ever remember to take birth control pills, and my sister got pregnant while on the shot so this seemed like the next best bet. Since being on it, I have been an emotional roller coaster. I honestly didn't let that change whether or not I wanted to continue having it. I felt like it was a small sacrifice over getting pregnant. But now after 4 years I really want to remove it. I feel like my periods are kind of the same as before I went on birth control. I feel like removing it would improve my mental health so much. On top of that, my arm and the area around my implant has random moments where it just HURTS. Has anyone had similar issues? The only thing holding me back from removing it, is my fear of how my body will react to it being removed. I'm also really scared of the actual removal, even though I always knew it needed to be taken out eventually. I haven't seen a gyno or planned parenthood since I got it. I just turned 21 so I'm planning to get my first pap smear and hopefully remove my implant all at once. But if anyone could share what their experiences were AFTER having their nexplanon removed, that would be amazing and hopefully give me some peace of mind