What do you guys think about a three-year-old playing with teddy bears?

Well to be honest it’s normal to me, my son is only three… He also does how other babies do when he holds the bear and says it’s his baby, I seen a post the other day very similar with a lot of comments. My first kids father is the one I’m speaking on. He came in and tried to make a problem because he was playing with the bear and said “punk ass son”, so it was a big fight bc I don’t play that. My son is very smart and knows what’s right and wrong and shouldn’t feel inferior for playing with one of his favorite teddy bears my mother got him. He also is with another girl that I know and thinks he can just come in my house when he wants & it doesn’t work like that. He was laid up in my house drunk and trying to have sex with me and the girl ended up coming to take his car extremely way too much drama… But one thing you don’t do is disrespect my son when he looks up to you and loves every time you come around. He also has homosexuals in his family.. Well his nephew is gay and I know his other nephew moved to the Navy, but the causes for both is because they were raped as kids By one of his brothers which we found out from one of the nephews ex-girlfriend‘ss, but he won’t admit it. one thing you’re not going to do is point fingers at my son from your family history. This is my last strike