Gender disappointment & bad news in one appointment

I had my anatomy scan yesterday & found out our tie breaker is a boy! I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little disappointed as I had my heart set on another girl. I didn’t have very much time to process that before the midwife came in & told me baby boy looks perfect now, BUT they want to induce me at 39 weeks strictly based off BMI because higher BMI is linked to fetal death. So starting around 30 weeks I have to have weekly NST’s.

It was just a LOT to take at once in such a short period of time. I cried the whole way home & for most of the day yesterday. I’m just confused & overwhelmed. I know the midwife didn’t say what she said to be mean & that yes, sometimes the truth hurts. But I’ve never been told that before with my other 2 kids (who are very much alive & well) & I was roughly the same weight with those pregnancies. I can’t help to wonder why they never said anything then but are now? My other 2 were potentially in danger & I was never told…

I’m happy baby is looking amazing now & is healthy. But I’m scared.