Some suggestions

Hey I’m a 21 year old pregnant with my second. I just quit my job bc of having major morning sickness and the babysitter constantly taking days off and raising the cost which I could barely afford to begin with. Bc of how expensive she is and having a very low paying job. I honestly lived better when I was just a stay at home mom and the father of my kid worked. Now I need help on how I’m going to tell my very judgement mother that I’m pregnant and quit my job due to the sickness and expensive daycare. She is a very uptight everything has to be perfect kind of women and me and her do not have a good relationship. She puts me down constantly and always thinks she’s right. If she could take my kid away from me she would abs has said that. So I have no idea how to tell her that im pregnant with my second. When she doesn’t even want me to have my 1st one. On top of the fact that I quit my job.