I need therapy

Pretty sure I have ADHD and I've struggled with anxiety and depression for like 4 years. Got counselling because of an incident and it got stopped after the second session because of covid and the first lockdown. I can't afford therapy. I feel hopeless and like I'm just not worth therapy because I can't access it. I have yet to go to my Dr about getting assesed/diagnosed for ADHD. Before I got counselling I went to my previous Dr about low mood and they basically gave me some apps to try. Thing is once I forget to do something like say I log everyday and one day forget then I won't go back and continue to do it properly. That basically was a useless appointment.

I really just needed to talk about it rn because I've been alone for a week as my partner is visiting family. It's been really hard to be alone. I really need help but I feel like you only get it if you do something extreme. It not helped my thoughts or mental state. I'm so lost and struggling like fuck.