Spotting after positive pregnancy test


Hello ladies (sorry this is a bit of a read)

My husband and I have been ttc since September 2021, I got my first positive on Friday, i took a dollar store test with my fmu and saw a faint line, i then took a digital with my smu expecting it to be negative since the cheapie was so faint but it was positive I took another digital two hours later just to be sure and positive again, I’ve been afraid to get excited since the cheapie was faint. I believe I ovulated on March 7th or 8th , I was temping to confirm but I’m new at temping and it’s still a bit confusing plus my temps were all over the place and I wasn’t great at doing them at the same time, anyway I tested again Saturday morning and I got a faint positive I also tested this morning and got another faint positive. However I did start spotting today, it wasn’t heavy, I had a few drops of brown in my underwear and when I wiped it was light pink. This lasted about 3 maybe 4 hours. I’ve yet to make a doctors appointment I was waiting till I got a blazing positive. I was just wondering if I should be worried, could it be implantation bleeding maybe ?