Birth Anxiety.

This is my second girl I’m currently 38 weeks pregnant and being induced in like 6 days. This pregnancy has been a legit nightmare compared to my first. Every second, there was something wrong. Baby is completely healthy, it was me and pregnancy being very hard on my body. Anyways, I have been TERRIFIED. Last night I couldn’t sleep because all I could think about is what could go wrong in labor. Like I could have a heart attack, what if I can’t push her out, what if something terrible ends up happening, what if I bleed out. Will I see my baby again or get to see my toddler ever again? My epidural didn’t work the first time around and I remember the ditzy ass nurse not paying attention to my baby’s heart rate dropping while practice pushing, she was an idiot. And they kept like “threatening” me with a c-section and saying they might have to put me to sleep, blah blah. It was not an amazing experience but I’ve also heard worse and then it doesn’t help that ALL I see on my TikTok fyp is stillborns or something horrific or child loss. I know it’s an algorithm and their just sharing their stories and the more I show my support and like it, the more stories that will show up. But like, it’s scaring the shit out of me. My anxiety is already through the roof and I’m just terrified 🥲🥲 how did y’all get through this? Idk if I can. I’m legit close to just breaking down sometimes.