Possible chemical pregnancy?

I hope I’ve chose the right group to post this in lol. This is a long post but I would really appreciate your opinions!! I started (what I think was) my period on March 15th. On the 5th day of my cycle I was supposed to start taking Clomid, so I had to take a pregnancy test on Saturday to make sure I wasn’t already pregnant. It was kind of a faint line, but the test came back positive. I took another test the same day and it was positive too! I took another test yesterday (Monday) morning and it was also a faint positive. I was fairly certain I was having a regular period based on the bleeding. Because it was more than just spotting. I wasn’t expecting my period at that time, but I have very irregular periods, so I never really know when I’m going to have it!! Long story short, it unfortunately seems like I may have had a chemical pregnancy. I’m just wondering if anyone knows how long a chemical pregnancy will warrant a positive result and when should I test again??