Help me settle this debate please

My husband and I turned a question and our opinions into a debate regarding if baby formula has to be warmed or not. It started by him asking me why don't I warm my daughter's bottle of formula I told him it's not neccessary to and he says it is. I say that it's not good if you microwave it because it can leave hot spots in the milk , he's saying to boil it in a pan I said i'm not going to waste 5 minuets or more of my time to boil a damn bottle then have to wait for it to cool down when I have a crying baby ,  cold formula never killed anyone. I know there's bottle warmers out there and mom's do warm their kids bottles and I have no problem with if you do or not , neither to do I think one way is better than another i'm simply stating the fact that I don't think it's neccessary. I told him I was going to make a poll on here and see what everyone else thinks and whoever gets the most votes wins. so go ahead and cast your votes please ! 

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