Grady is here!


Grady Patrick born on 3/31 @ 2:04pm weighing 9lbs 7oz. Born at 39 weeks + 1 day. I had been 4cm at my last cervix check 2 days prior and my doctor did a membrane sweep at that same appt. I had on/off contractions and period like cramps for days leading up. Was so over it and tried nipple stimulation when I woke up at 5am on 3/31. 20 mins later my water broke. This is my 3rd born and 2nd time nipple stimulation at 39 weeks lead to breaking my water! I also walked about an hour and a half around a track at my local Y both days leading up to my water breaking.

Vbac delivery. Active labor for about an hour and a half. Minimal tearing. No new hemorrhoids 🤪. Evening Primrose oil and red raspberry tea saved my lady parts with this kiddo! I tore more with my 2nd delivery and she was 7lbs 11oz. However, I never prepared my cervix beforehand like I did with this one. I did not have gestational diabetes this pregnancy and he was measuring big for most of the pregnancy. At my 36 weeks ultrasound, he was measuring 7lbs 5oz. I think that ultrasound was likely spot on. So don’t always discount those comments of “oh those ultrasounds are usually off”. My experience is that they are usually within a 1/2lb give or take. My 2nd was born a few days after her last ultrasound. I delivered early with my 2nd and had high amniotic fluid so I was higher risk for why I had ultrasounds up to 36 weeks.

Baby is happy, healthy and generously sized per the nursing staff 🙃. Hope you ladies get to hold your sweet babies in your arms very soon! Last few weeks feel like forever I know! But if your body feels ready try it all! You never know what will help move things along ‼️