Hsv awareness (includes pic! TMI!!!)))

TMI WARNING. If you don’t like gross things on mouth don’t look at the pic.

Hi guys! So yesterday I posted a pic asking what these sores were and the doctor said it was hsv type 1. Everyone has it just that it is dormant and bursts like this can happen due to stress or even fever. In my case I believe it’s stress due to school and lack of sleep. I just wanted to share my story to bring awareness and help others that might be going through the same thing. Again, everyone has hsv type 1 just that it is dormant. If you do have something like this go to the doctor so you can get pain meds to alleviate the pain. Also refrain from any oral sex! If you still have them in your mouth there is a possibility you can give your partner. Just wait it out and you can go back to resuming your sexual activities. Also with foods refrain from eating spicy or acidic foods. It should go away on its own but overall, you’re ok! Everything will be ok and it’s completely normal so don’t stress. :))