I gave birth at 36 weeks & 4 days

Ashley • 21 years old & expecting my first child 👑
I gave birth at 36 weeks & 4 days. I woke up on a Friday morning around 7am only to feel my water break, it seemed surreal & my SO thought I was peeing myself. After 10 mins I felt like going to the bathroom for number 2 so when I went to sit on the toilet blood started coming down. I knew this was the real thing so I told my SO it was time and that we had to go to the hospital. We got ready and all , soon after I started having contractions 1 to 2 mins apart and they were very intensed, so bad I had to call an ambulance because I couldn't manage walking down to a cab. I arrived at the hospital around 8:30am and was 4cm dilated. I received pain medication thru IV but that didn't help. By 11am I was 8cm opened & the pain was just getting worst and worst that I decided to get an epidural. After I got it I swear I was in heaven, I finally was able to relax and take a nap before the big show. At 4pm the doctor came in to check me and that's where we started setting up so I can begin pushing, before you know it she was out. My baby girl was born at 4:22pm November 13th, 2015 & weight 7 pounds 6 oz. & was 19 inches long ❤️