At 40 weeks and 2 days I woke up that morning around 5:40 to use the bathroom

At 40 weeks and 2 days I woke up that morning around 5:40 to use the bathroom. I then realiZed I had my bloody show. As a matter of fact I had my bloody show all day long. No long after that I began to have contractions. Mild one some I could feel which felt as an ache starting on my back and wrapping around like a strong menstrual cramp from one side to around my cervix and ending on the opposite side then reflecting strong pressure on my hips. They came an go every 8-9 minutes lasting a minute each. I had an appointment that same day as well for 3:30pm. I told my self if my contractions didn't get closer together I'll still attend my appointment. Time came and contractions were the same. My husband took me to my appointment and we waited. Finally we got called and when taking my B/P it was running at 150/108 with no protein in my urine. My b/p had been fine until that day. Then we waited on the doctor. I heard her say "we will have to send her to the hospital in that case" then they knocked on my door and they re took my b/p again running pretty high. The doctor stated she was hoping for me to be dialated and checked me. To my surprise I was at 5cm and 70% effaced with Isabella at -4 position with heartbeat at 150. Then she they send me to the hospital to get induced. My husband and I decided to stop by subway and grab a bite before heading to the hospital. Once we got there at 6:13 they took us to out room and stated  for us to get comfortable. My nurse came and hooked me up to monitor my contractions, baby's heart rate and my b/p for every 10 minutes. Then medical questions were asked of course about family history and such and went over my birth plan. By 8:00pm they began inserting my iv which as a result my nurse tried 5 different time before actually getting it in correctly. At 9:40pm pitocin was started through my iv and my nurse advices me that if I needed my epidural to let her know as the anesthesiologist had a surgery at 10 and wouldn't be able to come right away. As a fist time mom I had no idea what to expect so by 10:30 I was feeling my contractions one after another very strong to the point that they would make me shake and shiver and I could not control it or do anything throught them. I called my nurse and asked for the epidural to which she advised me I had to wait one hour and half. She brought me a birthing ball and my husband held me from behind to support me. Around 11:50 I received my epidural. To my surprised it hurt as well. It took the pain away however not the pressure feeling you get on your rectum with every contraction. They adviced me to rest. The epidural had brought my B/P of 162/118 to a normal range and my baby girls heart rate of 178 to the 130s. By 1:30am they came to check if I was ready for them to break my water. I was still at 5cm and 90% -2 then they went ahead and proceeded with breaking my water. They adviced me if I felt that pressure as if I have to poop in between contractions to call them. Well as soon as they within 10 minutes I called them and told them I was feeling that pressure. My nurse realized that I was involuntarily pushing and so she started to help me push with every contraction holding one of my legs while my husband hold the other one. I kept hearing her showing my husband where the baby's head was then she called for the doctor. Then around 3 people came in and the told me to take a deep breath when a contraction was built up and push to where it hurt and hold it. Then breath out and repeat. I was doing three pushes for every contraction. I pushed for 25 minutes and gave birth to the most beautiful girl ever weighing 6lbs 2oz, measuring 19 inches. They put her on my chest and did skin to skin while they restored my 2nd degree tears. It was a lovely experience.