

I keep reading all the recent posts and I feel like collectively the entire April group is at their wits end. Lol. These April babies do not want to make an appearance. 😩😩

Im 37+5. I was kind of expecting him to be early since I had all my other kids at exactly 38 weeks to the date.

Friday at 4 AM I went to L&D for having contractions within 4-5 min for a few hours and I tried to be patient and wait it out since I also thought my amniotic fluid broke. It was negative and contractions never got stronger even though they lasted for half a day.

Saturday I didn’t have any consistent contractions. Just once every couple of hours.

This morning I woke up at 6 AM with intense contractions that were consistent every 6-7 min. 3 hours in and I told myself I don’t want to go to the hospital just to be sent home again today. I told myself one more hour of consistent pain I will go so I decided to take a nap. As soon as I woke up from my nap they stopped. I had a contraction maybe every 15-30 min.

I’m just tired mentally and physically. All I do is think about if this is it. If this very second is my water going to break. Im driving myself nuts and I’m trying to keep my mind busy but its hard too. Im worn out. 🥺🥺