Does anyone’s March baby have special needs?

B e A m * • ⚽️ #1 Jul 17 🌷#2 Mar 20 🚗 #3 Feb 24

My daughter has global developmental delay and epilepsy. She’s always been behind other kids her age development wise.

She just turned two on the 15th but still can’t say any word and still doesn’t understand much of what we say to her. She can’t run, jump, sing, draw or dance either.

It’s been very hard, stressful and disheartening to learn that she’s not developing normally like other children and she most likely will have life long learning difficulties/disabilities.

It’s been very difficult to watch other kids grow and develop typically without comparing them to my own child. I wish more than anything that she too would develop as she should.

I feel very isolated in this experience and feel as if I’m the only person going through this, although I’m pretty sure I’m not.

If you also have a special needs child, especially if your child has developmental delay or seizures, I would love to talk and get to know you so we can support each other in this journey. Please feel free to email me at :)