Moms of 3… need advice

Mamas, I need some support. My daughter is 3 and my son is 7months, and I am late with the faintest of faint positive tests. This is definitely not at all a planned pregnancy (we are 10000% old enough to know better… different post for a different time) and it feels insurmountable. I haven’t slept longer than 2 hours at a time in about 2 months thanks to the baby and the thought of having another so soon is freaking me out. My daughter hit the threenager stage with a vengeance and has insane meltdowns every day. I work from home, and my mom lives with us to help with the kids but lately it’s been such a shit show I’m balancing work and meltdowns at the same time.

How do you survive with 3, especially with the babies so close in age? I’ve always wanted 3 but we’re at such a hard phase of life right now I don’t see things ever getting easier.