3rd time is the charm?


I figured if anybody would understand my frustration and sympathize, then it would be this community. (Besides my super sweet, patient husband)

Last weekend, we had someone try to break into our home. I was in the living room and while running to get my husband, I fell and hit my belly. At almost 38 weeks at this point, we got checked out at the hospital. They ended up keeping me for around 12 hours and giving me shots to slow down labor. I was also only 1cm dilated. All the adrenaline had my body panicking. I was sent home after contractions chilled out, baby was fine.

At my follow up Wednesday, my OB said I was 3cm dilated, fully effaced. Since they had stopped labor only days before, she said that if I had any contractions with pain or if my water broke, I just needed to come on in.

Last night, I had time-able, real contractions for 2 hours. We went in and they continued for 30 minutes, then became sporadic and eventually disappeared. They also said I was only 2cm and 50% effaced.

I just want to trust my body, but it’s kind of giving me mixed signals. I guess it’s the stress from the break-in. I feel guilty for wasting people’s time. My husband is so exhausted from work, stressed from the break-in, and I feel SO bad for getting him so excited just to let him down. It almost makes it worse because he is so sweet.

Our baby will be here soon. I keep telling myself it’s okay. It’s just discouraging to not feel confident in my own body, especially having done this before.