Miss Clara Reese Birth Story

Mandy • 29 years old - Married October 2013 - Mom of Baby Girl Dec 2015 😊 Expecting Baby Boy April 2018 ☺️
So on Thursday at work I felt a small gush of fluid. When I checked my panty liner it was pretty wet but it looked like thin mucus so I put it off as nothing. This happened again three times between 4:30pm and 7:00am the next day. A little concerned, I called my OB at 8am to see what I needed to do. She told me to go to L&D just to be on the safe side. I finished up a meeting at work and headed out the door. My husband and I got to the hospital and were checked into triage. We did the fluid strip test and it showed two positive lines, so an ultrasound was ordered. Baby girl was still breeched but was only leaking a small amount of fluid. While being monitored I started having painless but consistent contractions. I started losing more fluid. By 5:00pm we had decided to do a csection to get her out safely. They did the epidural (which didn't hurt at all - I had an amazing anesthesiology team) and we were good to go by 7:30pm. Little Clara Reese was born at 7:42pm weighing 6lbs 8oz at 22.5 inches long. She's amazing, beautiful and perfect. She loves to coo in her sleep, she's already a daddy's girl and she is the gassiest little thing. Haha. I'm so in love!!!