Ectopic or early pregnancy??!? Help please!?

s • 28, anxiety, pcos, 6/8/18 👼🏼, rainbow 7/23/19👧🏼🧁, 5/13/21👶🏻🌙, 4/25/22 👼🏻

I am 4 weeks 3 days.

Tuesday hgc 130

Friday hgc 287

I have polycyclic ovarian syndrome.

Doc saw a fluid filled sac in ovary and uterus.

I get constant cysts in my ovary and they’re saying they can’t rule out either.

So they’re saying it’s either a really early pregnancy or an ectopic pregnancy with a pseudo gestational sac.

Anyone had any experience with this???

Are they’re any symptoms that would accompany and ectopic??

Please help.

I am freaking out.

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