Is this something petty to end a friendship over?

So I was having a discussion with one of my so called friends about marriage and relationships. He said modern day women have nothing to offer other than sex. So I asked him what is it that he he a man is looking for ? And I told him if he thinks sex is the only valuable thing a woman can offer then he will never be happy with any women in this earth because no matter how much love and support she gave him he will see no value in anything other than sex. I asked him what did his father give to his mother and he said love, support, respect, and didn’t see him as an enemy. Which then I said is not too hard to find that now a days. What threw me off though was when I gave this same response as to what I can offer my husband he didn’t think of it as a valid answer he said but your husband can offer you the same thing and even more including Financial support. All women do is take and never give. I told him how come when I say this you don’t think is a valid answer but when you say this is what your mom offered your dad it is a valid answer. So I said something along the line of there needs to be balance in a relationship and he said “ wow look at you being a good wife”. It was very snarky side comment because he doesn’t think many women in this world are capable of being good wives. So the next question he asked I was like “ Maybe a good wife will know”. To which he was like okay so I’m asking the wrong person then? Sorry for wasting you time and he left and we haven’t spoken since.

It just feels like he tries to put me in a box sometimes when I give an answer is not perfect but he doesn’t see any flaws in how his mother is.

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