Not June babe related! *Finally getting married*


So my fiancé and I have finally set a date for our wedding! So so excited. We have already booked our Officant and our DJ… my question is I kinda booked a photographer, I say kinda because I spoke with her last Thursday the 21 and she told me that her previous couple couldn’t decided (she gave them almost 2 weeks) so that she was able to move forward with my fiancé and I. We agreed over text that she was the one (she said perfect I’ll save your date, I am yours now haha) she said she would get back to her clients by next week which is this week because she needed some days to herself as she had caught a really bad virus.

Now my question is, it’s Friday…. Should I text her and ask her what’s up or what lol any advice would be helpful im trying to sign a contract here and even tho we agreed over text message I’d like it in paper so im less stressed.