Cuss words.


Omg guys my child. I'm in so much trouble with him. He's been saying the F word over and over and we've told him it's a bad word and not to say it. He laughs and says it more. We've tried ignoring him and not reacting when he does it but now he's saying it at daycare. He said it on repeat the other night and we told him we'd wash his mouth out with soap and put a tiny bit in his mouth and he literally said "yummy!" And asked for more. 🤦‍♀️ I told him next time he says it I'm going to spank him. I've never spanked him in his life but idk what to do!! He can't be saying it! He knows it's bad and laughs and smiles and says it under his breath. My husband has a horrible potty mouth and I've told him so many times it's going to rub off on Jaxson and it finally has. Pray for me. 🙃