Can't stop overthinking, need some advice

I have recently found out that i am pregnant with my first child. I am 28 years old, I have my own place and I have a good job and a car, all that good adult stuff, I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love very much! However lately I have been having these weird mixed feeling and I don't know who to talk to! My boyfriend and family are over the moon with excitement about the baby, however for me one minute I'm excited and then the next minute I'm having anxiety feeling like its a prison sentence! I'm not in anyway saying I don't want this baby so please don't judge me but I am scared, scared I won't love my baby, scared I'll feel trapped when the baby comes, that I'll regret having the baby, I guess it fear of the unknown. I am so used to be independent and coming and going as I please and only worrying about myself that now it makes me so nervous that a little person is going to rely on me for the rest of their lives! What if I'm a crappy mom and I fail them!? It's just such a commitment that I'm scared I won't be able to handle, I just have all these crazy thought in my brain and I just would like some friendly advice and maybe to know if anyone else has felt like this?? Thanks in advance ladies