Unmarried and expecting

Me and and my boyfriend are unexpectedly and happily pregnant with our first. We both love each other and know someday we want to get married but aren't in any rush. Now that my family knows we are pregnant they are on my case about getting married and make us feel like it's shameful not to be. Everyone keeps asking when are we going to get married and have even told us that we're setting a bad example for my neices. Due to us obviously having premarital sex. I'm 24 and he's 28. 
I've tried explaining to them our reasoning to not get married until after the baby comes. The current law allows me to be on my both of my parents insurance until I'm 26. So if we get married I would lose both of my insurances and due to a job change he is currently without and won't be eligible for insurance at the new job for a while. It also sounds awful but my S/O makes too much money and I would also lose all my financial aid for my final year of school.  
I feel like we're being rational but they and many other people make me feel like I'm being selfish and sinful. (We live in the south)
Is anyone else feeling hated on?