Ovulation post miscarriage. Confused!


Brains trust!

I’m so confused.

I had an expectant and complete m/c for a blighted ovum. Started bleeding Easter Sunday. U/s with obs on April 29 showed complete m/c and 4mm endometrial lining. I did a negative urine preg test that morning too.

Obs suggested to wait a cycle before TTC again (for dating and in case endometrial lining was too thin).

I’ve been <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> on both these products for past 5 days. Clearblue was low day 1, high day 2-4 and peak today (day 5).

First response ovulation test is darkening but obviously still negative.

The LH cheapie looks positive to me.

I’ve never had much luck with line OPK. In fact, the cycle I got pregnant with my son, I didn’t even get a peak on clearblue.

I don’t have PCOS and prior to my M/C had pretty good correlation with clearblue peaks and physiological ovulation symptoms.

Not TTC this cycle, just attempting to track.

Would really appreciate any feedback as to whether I’m having an LH surge?