1st Round

Quan 👸🏾🦋💫

Hi ladies! So it’s been a very long time since I’ve posted about our journey to conceive. My husband & I have been TTC for almost 5yrs. Long story short I had an HSG done in 2019 that showed my tubes were blocked. I had surgery that same year to try to clear out blockages. I was told that one tube still had blockage & the other was semi cleared so it would be hit or miss for us with that one tube that was also twisted (how, idk). In 2020 we conceived but ended in an ectopic pregnancy at 7wks that left us devastated.

Fast forward to now…I decided to get another HSG done last month (April) just to see if the results would still be the same. Keep in mind that during those years after the last one I was trying every remedy & medication suggested up here to help unblock my tubes. Idk if any of it work or my prayer warriors coming thru but this HSG showed both my tubes were clear! NO BLOCKAGES! Dye flowed through like it wasn’t nothing. We were both stunned & in shock. So I’m thinking maybe the dye pushed out whatever small blockages there were & I should’ve done this a whole year earlier!

My OBGYN put me on Femara, CD 3-7, which today I took my last dose. I had some mild cramping in my ovaries feel like & headaches but nothing I can’t handle because I’m so eager to get our BFP after it’s all said & done. I go for my ultrasound on the 16th (next Monday) & I’m just so ready to see what progress has been made. My OBGYN isn’t concerned with me ovulating because we’ve conceived before, she just wants to give an extra boost along with timed intercourse (no issue there lol). I’m ready for my success story! Hopefully only one round is all we’ll need *fingers crossed* Please send us all the baby dust! Thanks in advance 💖