I thought my water broke (35 weeks and 1day)



I was lying (naked) in bed in my boyfriend and I’s apartment that I go back and forth from due to my baby’s appointments. Straight when I sat up all this fluid started pouring out my Vaginal canal I felt to make sure it wasn’t pee. It was about two water bottles full and I called my bf back to the room and he was freaking out after this I started to have sharp pains in the bottom of my stomach. We called the ambulance and let them know when they got there they had me lift my hips and tucked a towel under me and more came out. The paramedic said “well this is definitely confirmation your water broke.” Well we get to the hospital and they tell me I am 1 cm dilated but they don’t think my water broke based off the test strip and visual. Then they do the ultrasound and says my baby has little fluid around her. Then her supervisor comes in and tells me they think it broke based off the ultrasound and what I was telling them and wanted to admit me. I had to keep begging them to transfer me to my hospital I’m supposed to deliver at. The other hospital tells me I’m not dilated and the test is popping up negative maybe I peed myself I keep telling them I didn’t then they do the ultrasound and bpp and say my fluid is a little on the low side but not enough to keep me. The contractions stopped after a while but now everyone my baby moves at the bottom of my stomach I feel this sharp pain idk what to do or what to think.

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Posted at
Oh screw that! I would be getting transport to a different hospital, two water bottles full is way too much to be discharge.


Lauryn • May 13, 2022
I said the same thing ! They said my fluid is low and it may just not be showing on the strip.


Posted at
My water full on popped and broke at home, was having contractions as well. I went to the hospital and those strips told them it wasn’t my water and they were about to discharge me! Then a doctor came in and I had some fluid on my hospital bed and he said “looks like your water broke” I said oh it did but they’re sending me home and saying it didn’t. He walked up there and told them to admit me now and I had my baby a few hours later!


Lauryn • May 14, 2022
There no doubt in my mind that I’m losing my mind they are acting as if I’m crazy !


Posted at
see will the ambulance take you to your delivering hospital. 2 water bottles full? plus the paramedics saying they think it broke. plus the ultrasound showing little fluid. yea i’ll go get a second opinion.


Lauryn • May 13, 2022
My family took my and they are saying my fluids on the lowers side


Posted at
My hospital I’m supposed to be delivering at is saying the same my fluid is on the low side as well I have an appointment in the morning to see if it increased itself if not they said they may discuss bed rest and induce me at 37 weeks I’m nervous but praying for the best !


Lauryn • May 13, 2022
Thank you 🥺❤️


Be • May 13, 2022
will send a prayer up for you and baby.


Posted at
I was sure my water broke with my 3rd got to the hospital and they did they strip test and it came out negative. The nurse then asked me how I came to the conclusion that my water broke I told her so she tried again but this time pushed baby up a little and the test came back positive. I had a very high leak and delivered my baby that evening.


Posted at
Yeah I’d be going to the other hospital. No way is that pee.


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the strip tests were negative for fluid so I would just relax. it was more than likely discharge or pee, it's very common in the final trimester


Lauryn • May 13, 2022
It wasn’t pee *


Lauryn • May 13, 2022
It was pee I peed right before this and laid down then when I went to get back up all that came out plus when I got to the hospital they had me pee again and I felt where my urethra is and it was coming out my vaginal canal and her surrounding fluid is low and it’s never been low I had a scan last Wednesday and everything was fine