
Hi ladies,

For some background, I have PCOS. I have tried <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a> With OPK strips, but I’ve never had a positive test for the past year (makes sense because I’ve only had an actual period about 3 times within the last year). Well Tuesday, I had a gut feeling that I needed to BD because this may be it. I’ve been losing a lot of weight, I feel healthy and I’ve been taking my supplements consistently, so i did. The next day (Wednesday) i decided to take an OPK for the heck of it, and it actually came back darker than the control line (first time in two years i ever got a positive). I BDd last night with Preseed fertility lubricant just in case. Today, I couldn’t BD because my boyfriend had to go to work extremely early, and I tested and my OPK came back a bit lighter than yesterday’s but still positive. Do you think that I BDd enough and if I should still BD tomorrow? I won’t be able to tonight so I’m just really scared I’m missing the opportunity.