Asking for birth certificate

my MIL is asking for my Sons Birth Certificate

wtf? why does she want it ? for what ? does she have a right to get it off me ?

btw my boyfriend(father of the child) is not on it so why does she want it so bad she keeps texting and caling my bf that she need it that my boyfriend and her should go town toughter (without me) she didnt ask me to come just my boyfriend but why she even makingplans without me if its MY child

my bf said because she want to put his name on it because my son dosent even have my bfs last time nor is he sighned in my childs birth certificate as the father ….. The father for now is Unknown because

( we decided to do that with him when we get married because of our past (he cheated on me i have him a chance and his promise was to marry) anyway

Im soo mad i do not talk to her bc she dislikes me for no good reason why is she soo involved though im not allowing this whats so ever.