Constant Vaginal infections? Help!


So about two years ago I got the kyleena iud. I had no problems, checkups when I needed them and everything was good. Last October I started experiencing reoccurring yeast infections and in November I had one case of bacterial vaginosis. Ever since I’ve been having reoccurring yeast infections and almost once a month. I’ve done all the right things and I’m starting to wonder if it’s the iud causing them? My periods have also been heavier, longer and coming earlier. My doctor told me this was normal and the iud can change ur periods even tho I got it to help with my heavy painful periods.

Most recently in April I was experiencing itchiness redness and unusual discharge and my tests for bv and yeast came back negative. They still treated me for yeast tho. Just a week ago I went to the doctors again because I was having itchiness in the vagina as well as irritation, abdominal pains and unusual discharge and was told that my tests were negative. If this a concern of cervical cancer? I had an abdominal and transvaginal ultrasound in January and nothing unusual was found.