Help please?


So this is my 8th Month TTC I’ve tracked my cycle using OPK’s each time and my cycle is pretty spot on.

Usually every month I symptom spot like crazy. And usually every month I get cramps that last from ovulation to my period.

It’s normal for me to feel bloated, tired and run down all the time.

This month nothing, no symptoms at all. In fact the only ‘symptom’ I’ve had more energy than I’ve had in years which is so weird for me!

I’m cycle day 22 - I ovulated cycle day 13.

I am 9dpo and period due in 6 days.

I ordered some pregnancy tests to be delivered but I wasn’t in so they are coming back in a few days.

I can’t get to a shop right now and I’m going crazy wanting to test. So I did an OPK because I’ve heard people say they have used it as a test.

I know that’s a totally unreliable thing to do. But I don’t get why the OPK is so dark this far after ovulation.

Has anyone else ever used an OPK as a ‘pre test’ and ended up being pregnant?